October 2020 - October 2020
Ground Investigation / Inclinometer Tube Installation / Laboratory Testing
Client – J Murphy & Sons on behalf of Network Rail
Network Rail had specified the installation of 5 no. inclinometers along the existing embankment. Previously these works had been attempted by another ground investigation contractor utilizing a modular drill rig.
The use of a modular drill rig was required due to the inclinometer being installed mid slope on the existing embankment. The existing embankment was lightly vegetated and sat at approximately 27 degrees.
We were able to successfully install the inclinometers by mobilizing our M545 walking excavator equipped with a Marini 300 Big Mast. The tooling chosen for the drilling operation was TerraRoc Geobor S. This is a triple case wire line system capable of delivering Class 1 geotechnical samples.
In addition, we developed a bespoke drilling platform to provide a safe working platform for the drilling operatives and were able to achieve the installation of the casings during traffic hours with the adjacent line open.
We recovered Class 1 geotechnical samples suitable for triaxial and shear box testing through the length of the installation. The core samples from the underlying limestone formation have also proved extremely useful for further compressive testing.
The utilization of the drill mast on the Menzi M545 combined with the modified Marini 300 Big Mast allows KEM to achieve geotechnical sampling and installation of significantly more powerful hydraulic drill rigs. This combination of equipment along with our highly trained operators is capable of accessing and operating in restricted environments, on steep gradients